
Ode to a Classroom Object, in Español

Students in Señor Baltierra and Señora Liszka’s 3rd grade Spanish classes recently finished a literacy unit about poetry. In conjunction with their unit on classroom objects, and to coincide with the Thanksgiving holiday, students looked at poems of praise, or odes. Students learned about the famous Chilean author Pablo Neruda and read his “Oda al libro II.” Then, students read another ode about classroom objects. Inspired by both works, students created and illustrated their own odes to their own classroom objects. It was a fitting way to spend time being thankful in time for the Thanksgiving holiday.
You can see the students’ writing on display on the bulletin board leading to the 3rd grade atrium or by clicking here.
Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.