Upper School Orchestra is Out of this World

By Upper School Music teacher Betty Lewis
The US Orchestra embarked on a virtual project this semester, which we would like to share with all of you. We made an audio recording of “Jupiter,” from The Planets by Gustav Holst, and added a collage to the music. This project put us all in realms far from our comfort zones, but we are proud of the result.

The students individually recorded their parts, gaining a realization of the challenge of recording the whole piece in one take. Rhythm, pitch, speed, etc. all had to be as “perfect” as possible for there to be any chance of putting it together in the end. Our students persevered through many retakes to accomplish this feat!

Some big shout-outs go to sophomore Jack Kahan for putting together our individual audio recordings and junior Yaleigh Harris for compiling the beautiful collage that accompanies the music.

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