
MOCHA Escape Room

On the eve of Parker’s 120th County Fair, the mighty men of MOCHA, the Upper School affinity group Men of Color Heritage Alliance, spent the evening at an Escape Room solving puzzles, putting their brains to the test, laughing, arguing and, ultimately, succeeding.

While one group was bringing the power and oxygen systems back online and safely blasting off from Mars, the other was busy pursuing victory and fortune, unearthing the gold buried by Parker’s eccentric and reclusive (and recently deceased) make-believe relative…who was a prospector. 

Please click here to see joyful photos of some of Parker’s finest young minds simultaneously at work and at play. 

Special thanks to MOCHA faculty sponsors Dr. Pope and Mr. Carlsson for chaperoning!
Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.