Remote Learning Resources

Middle School

  • Our distance learning program, while informed by best practices for remote learning engagement more than an attempt replicate an in-person school day, has two goals: engage students meaningfully in interesting and challenging academic work (skills and concepts) so that all can fulfill their full potential, and promote the social-emotional well-being of every student, both accomplished within the context of a supportive community that is empathetic, optimistic, and inclusive. Our mission remains the same, even as our platform has changed.

  • All Middle School students have a minimum of two live teaching/learning sessions per school day totaling approximately two hours of synchronous time (not including Advisory gatherings), in addition to their independent completion of assignments and periodic video presentations by art, music, drama and PE teachers.

  • Best practices in distance learning do not seek to replicate a traditional in-person school day, as that volume of synchronous screen time would be unhealthy, overwhelming and unsustainable for students, families and faculty/staff. Instead, we aim to maximize the live interactive time with students and teachers and curate interesting and meaningful work in which students engage more independently around the live sessions. Click here if you are interested in more about our balanced approach.

  • Students should not be overwhelmed with work. They should work at a pace that is healthy for them and in harmony with their family's in-house daily schedule throughout this period of social distancing due to the pandemic. We continue to be thoughtful in the amount of time we expect students to spend in live sessions and engaged in schoolwork.

  • Student support from advisors, LR teachers, Ms. Smith, Mr. White, Mr. Files, Ms. Moore and Mr. Novick remains available. As always, students should start with their advisor. Your teachers will communicate their office hours and contact information. Ms. Smith, Mr. White, Ms. Moore, Mr. Files and Mr. Novick are available to speak or exchange emails with any student. Remember that all Parker email addresses are the first letter of the person’s first name, followed by their last name (i.e.,

  • Grade-level teams continue to discuss student well-being, pedagogy, observations and reflections with one another to stay aligned for the benefit of the student experience. The 6th, 7th and 8th grade teams meet weekly with our Division Head for this purpose, and the teams themselves engage in more frequent collaboration for the same purpose.

  • Teachers will take attendance in each synchronous learning session, and advisors will do so during advisory sessions, but we recognize there may be a few occasions when a student or family's home schedule prevents participation. We will also measure attendance by completion of assignments as outlined by teachers. Advisors, and if needed Ms. Smith or Mr. Novick, will contact parents if a student is chronically absent from live sessions and/or falling far behind in assignments.

  • Student assignments, projects, activities and assessments will vary by class, just as they do when school takes place in person. Students should submit most assignments via Google Classroom, and teachers will continue to evaluate work and offer students meaningful feedback. Our current policy for grading and evaluation during distance learning is available here.

  • Students should check their email at least two to three times each day, as the school uses Parker email and Google Classroom accounts for formal communication. Most non-academic communication will take place via email, but students can email to set up a phone conversation (like making any appointment). What a great chance to practice and build executive functioning, problem-solving and adaptability skills!

  • It is important that all students follow their teachers’ instructions to participate in scheduled Google Meet sessions. Students should be on time and fully present; refrain from using their phones, playing music or video games, watching television or engaging in chat communications during a class; sit in a quiet space in their homes during each class; make sure their devices are charged; and mute their microphones upon entering until the teacher instructs them to un-mute their mics.

  • Our Learning Resource Department has provided some information for students to organize their days while distance learning: click here AND here.

  • Click here for an important update regarding Midsemester Reports this spring (posted April 3).

  • Please note this update to our Responsible Use Policy (effective March 31) for students in 4th-7th Grades related to school-issued devices/apps and social gatherings without Parker employees supervising.

  • Encourage your Middle School student to explore our new social-emotional well-being site, The Quarantine Chronicles, and submit their original art, poetry, musical performances or short videos about what they've learned through the social distancing experience for inclusion on our IS and MS Pop-Up Gallery (via email to
Please note that while we are settling in to a new routine and comfort level with our grade-level schedules for distance learning (and thus do not wish to disrupt the rhythm that has been developing for students, families and faculty/staff), we will continue to fine-tune these schedules as we gain and reflect on experience and feedback.


Head of Intermediate and Middle Schools
John Novick

Dean of Intermediate and Middle School Student Life
Tray White

List of 1 items.

  • Schedules

    Please note that while we are settling in now to a new routine and comfort level with our grade-level schedules for distance learning (and thus do not wish to disrupt the rhythm that has been developing for students, families, and faculty/staff), we will continue to fine-tune these schedules as we gain experience and feedback and reflect on both.
Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.