
FTC Robotics Shows Strong at State

By Advisor George Austin
Parker’s veteran robotics team fought valiantly all the way to the semifinal round of their division at the Illinois State Tournament last Saturday in Elgin.

The team started with commanding wins in their first two matches and were ranked 4th overall. Unfortunately, they lost their next two matches despite their strong showing. In the final match, they were paired up with the Robofins from Whitney Young High School and pulled off an upset victory against the perennially strong opponents with a score of 162 to 156. This resulted in the Robofins finishing in 4th place and Parker in 7th place. The Robofins picked Parker and another team to go into the elimination rounds, where they performed well but came up short in the semifinals.

Photos and videos are available here.

While the season has ended for the MS LEGO Robotics teams and the US FTC teams, the US ROV team is getting ready for their first competition in a few months. More info will follow.

Go Robotic Colonels!
Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.