
Weekly Reporter Wayland Receives Best of SNO (Student Newspapers Online) Award

Sophomore Tess Wayland wrote about the coronavirus outbreak’s effect on restaurants, “Empty Chairs at Empty Tables,” for a breaking news story for The Weekly. In this article, she discussed Governor Pritzker’s orders to combat the coronavirus, explained the current state of businesses around Parker and gathered comments from local restaurant owners about their thoughts and fears during this time.

This story might end here—however, Wayland’s Weekly editors thought enough of this article to submit it for an award. And sure enough, we are proud to congratulate Wayland on receiving a Best of SNO (Student Newspapers Online) Award, which “showcases excellence in journalism” by publishing the best student news articles from around the nation. Her article joins other student journalists’ coverage of the coronavirus on

Click here to read Wayland’s article and join us in congratulating her on this prestigious honor!
Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.