
Sixth Grade Climate Scientists Take Action

Sixth grade students have been learning all about planet Earth in their science studies this year. Recently, each had to develop an independent project tied to their studies of climate change with the objective of encouraging others to take action to protect our shared environment.

In the weeks leading up to this assignment, teacher Peg Zerega led her charges through a unit on climate change, developed by interim STEAM and Coding teacher Sylvia Glasco, organized chronologically by decade beginning in the 1960s. After this deep dive on the topic, students, prompted by the How to Save a Planet podcast, made a Venn diagram with three categories: things students were good at, things that bring them joy and climate work that needs to take place. The sweet spot where these circles overlapped provided inspiration for a wide range of climate action projects that the 6th graders brought to life.

Zerega shared, “These projects give students the opportunity to think about climate change on individual, community and global levels. Each student gathered data and committed to an action that will help Parker move towards the goal of reducing our carbon footprint. It is a highlight of the 6th grade science experience.”

Share in the work our students engaged in as part of this assignment—a testament to the range and level of thought and learning that takes place within our classrooms!
Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.