May Term, a program that originally took place in the 1970s, took place at Parker this week after returning last year. Seniors concluded their spring semester classes and spent the last two weeks of the month following their passions, exploring new adventures and volunteering at various nonprofits. Spearheaded by Visual Arts and Graphic Design teacher Travis Chandler and Director of Studies Sven Carlsson, this immersive experience aimed to give students the opportunity to create their own projects and potentially discover new and exciting ideas.
Students worked alone or in groups of up to four to bring their ideas to life. After meetings for preparation, and under the guidance of advisors, students set off on their two-week projects. The process culminated in a science-fair-style event, where all were welcome to take in the projects and hear presentations from the seniors, including props and visual aids.
May Term proved to be a successful venture that allowed seniors to go out on their own and discover more about topics that interest them. The projects served as a capstone of the seniors’ time at Parker, as they used the power of their voices and self-confidence to forge their own paths and potentially discover something truly inspiring.
To encapsulate the importance of this initiative, Chandler said, “Every project has the potential to show students more about something in the world they wished they had the time to find out more about, and now they do.”
Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.