
Senior Serves as Senate Page

This summer, while many students were enjoying a brief break from responsibilities, one senior decided to spend his time on Capitol Hill. Benjamin Kagan spent the month of July working in the U.S. Senate Page Program, which “introduces students from diverse backgrounds to many interesting and challenging experiences in the nation’s capital. Living away from home with students from across the country allows pages to experience a myriad of new ideas, perspectives, and issues. Pages learn the value of public service while meeting some of our nation’s most prominent leaders and witnessing firsthand the political debates of the United States Senate.”

Read more about this experience from Kagan below:

“For the month of July, I was in Washington, D.C. working in the United States Senate as a Page. I was sponsored by Senator Tammy Duckworth as one of 30 high school students from around the country chosen to live on Capitol Hill and work every day on the Senate floor. I was tasked with supporting the day-to-day operations of the greatest deliberative body in the world. I had a front-row seat to see our democracy in action and to witness the bipartisanship that occurs behind the scenes in the Senate. This was an incredible experience for me and has strengthened my interest in government and politics. Spending time with the other Pages from across the nation was truly extraordinary and exposed me to many diverse perspectives I wouldn’t normally encounter.
“My daily responsibilities on the floor included: preparing and breaking down the chambers for sessions, delivering correspondence and legislative materials throughout the Capitol complex, supporting Senators and staff during debate and providing assistance during roll call votes.”
Parker praises Kagan for this tremendous achievement!
Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.