Stories Shared at JK Read Day

Parker’s youngest students spent a day enjoying stories read by their peers’ parents and guardians as part of JK Read Day.

JK teachers Stacey Buehler, Jeremiah Howe and Tisha Johnson welcomed their students’ parents and guardians to the school to share some of their favorite stories. This trio of teachers know their charges love stories, so they worked together on orchestrating an event in each of their classrooms on a common date to spread the love of reading among the entire class of 2037 cohort.

This year’s JK Read Day welcomed nearly 60 parent/guardian readers dropping by to share one of their little one’s favorites with them and their classmates.

Enjoy photos from the experience here.
Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.