
Advanced Physics Students Share Science with the SK

Upper School students in Parker’s Advanced Physics class recently orchestrated a hands-on science fair for their Senior Kindergarten friends in Parker’s Suzanne Crowne Goodman Science Wing. These physics students wanted an opportunity to share some of their recently acquired learning in an engaging and developmentally appropriate manner with their younger peers.

Students from each of the SK graderooms started in a different science classroom, stopping at each of the demonstration stations created and staffed by sophomores, juniors and seniors in the Advanced Physics class. At each station, older students walked the SKers through a prepared visual aid and presented a short summary of their project and experiment, which displayed a physical phenomenon. Additionally, each station had an interactive component that allowed the younger students to witness the experiment the physics students created and, sometimes, partake in it.

A wide range of student-created projects were on display. One example used a slinky to demonstrate transverse and longitudinal waves, and then challenged the SK students to use the Slinky to create waves in pairs. Having the SK students produce their own waves helped them to better understand aspects of the waves, such as amplitude. Another student demonstrated the effects of static electricity by rubbing a polyester cloth on a PVC pipe. Using static electricity, the student created an upward force on different lightweight objects.

Through these and other experiments, the Upper School students demonstrated their knowledge of physics by teaching their SK counterparts in fun and interactive ways they won’t soon forget!

Click here to view more photos from this great sharing experience!
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