
What is in a Self-Portrait?

First grade students in Ms. Bearman’s classroom recently completed a project focusing on self-portraits.

After an in-class reading of 
The Skin You Live In and The Colors of Us, Bearman led students in a discussion about the ways these books focused on the unique physical and emotional qualities of every child in the class. Students learned that while there were similarities, they were all different from one another as well.

To demonstrate both the sameness and differences among students in the class, Bearman asked students to create self-portraits using acrylic paint, colored pencils, pipe cleaners, yarn, glue and more. As they worked, students mixed materials and colors to create pieces that represented their own physical features.

Students then composed a written blurb to share what was important to them emotionally or on the inside. Bearman prompted students to think about their feelings and what is important to them while they are alone, with their family or at school.

Enjoy these delightful creations from Bearman’s 1st grade class!
Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.