Creative Movement and Dance in Senior Kindergarten

Creative Movement and Dance Development is a new course in Parker’s Senior Kindergarten curricular offerings this academic year.

Upper School dance teacher Florence Walker-Harris builds upon the kinesthetic knowledge and confidence established in students’ twice-weekly physical education classes and infuses it with music, motion and magic in the school’s dance studio.

Walker-Harris has always wanted to work with Lower School students. “Building a foundation of movement at a young age is important. It gives students the freedom of expression that will translate in so many other aspects of their lives.”

In this initial year, Walker-Harris hopes to instill a sense of the terms movement, dance and choreography within her young dancers, enabling them to explore the art form as solo performers, but also within a community of their peers. She is excited to see her students work hard in a group and yet hopes they learn “that discipline is important and needed but you can also experience fun, excitement and creativity in the process.”

Parker’s Upper School students already have a dance curriculum, including Introductory and Advanced classes. Through exposing students to creative movement early in their development, Walker-Harris hopes to build a bridge from the Lower School through the Middle School, connecting her curriculum through the school over time.

In speaking to her craft, Walker-Harris shared, “The arts are more important now than ever! The skills learned in dance can and will improve motivation, concentration and team work. The fact that dance allows children to learn to express their emotions and become aware of themselves and others creates a positive and safe space of discovery. My objective is to build character and confidence through the discipline of dance that will transcend the class itself to affect all aspects of students’ lives.”

Enjoy photos from an SK class experience here.  
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