Parker in Paris!

By Languages and Cultural Studies Department Co-Chair Cynthia Marker
After a long wait and much planning, 36 eager Upper School French students, accompanied by steadfast chaperones (Susan Elliott, Cindy Marker, Vahn Phayprasert and Bridget Walsh) headed to Paris for April Recess.

During their eight-day stay, the group covered a lot of territoire. From la Tour Eiffel, le Louvre and les Champs Elysées to the iconic neighborhoods of le Marais and le Quartier Latin, les étudiants were able to make Paris their own and perhaps even envision a semester or year abroad in the future. With our tummies filled with café-crème, crêpes, croissants and macarons and historical insights provided by our experienced onsite tour guides, we returned to Chicago with cherished memories and oh-so-many pictures, which we are always more than happy to share! 

Un grand merci beaucoup to all the organizers and participants who made this unforgettable trip possible and helped so many dreams come true in the aptly named City of Light. Merci infiniment, mes amis, pour les si beaux souvenirs et un voyage absolument incroyable. 
Click here for photos!
Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.